Assistance With Travel & Travel Arrangement
Assistance With disability Travel & disability Travel Arrangement supports participants to build their capacity to travel independently, by providing transportation assistance. This in turn will help our client’s access their community, work or education in situations where they are unable to do so via other means of transportation.
Assistance With Travel/Transport Arrangements enable clients the freedom to travel to whatever destination they want, whether it’s with personal travel aid and equipment, or training to use public transportation. Disabled people often face difficulties when trying to find ways to get around, but with the right Assistance With Travel/Transport Arrangements, they can live their lives just as freely as anyone else.
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What is Assistance with travel/travel arrangements?
Assistance With disability Travel & disability Travel Arrangement supports participants to build their capacity to travel independently, by providing transportation assistance.
Assistance With Travel/Transport Arrangements enable clients the freedom to travel to whatever destination they want, whether it’s with personal travel aid and equipment, or training to use public transportation.
This in turn will help our client’s access their community, work or education in situations where they are unable to do so via other means of transportation. In addition, Assistance With Travel/Transport Arrangements also provide an opportunity for disabled people to socialize and meet new friends.
Why Australian In Home Care
Our Assistance With disability Travel & disability Travel Arrangement programs offer participants the opportunity to learn how to travel independently, by providing transportation assistance.
This in turn will help our client’s access their community, work or education in situations where they are unable to do so via other means of transportation.